Butter Beans Nutrition – Facts About Butter Beans

In the article below, I will explore Butter Beans Nutrition.  These wonderful beans are a rich source of potassium and make a tasty casserole or stew.

Good Source of Potassium – Butter Beans Nutrition

Butter Beans Nutrition Facts About Butter Beans

Butter Beans Nutrition

Butter beans nutrition is shown in these creamy beans sometimes known as Lima Beans, Butter beans are thought to be named after Lima, Peru the area where it was first cultivated.  They are a good source of complex carbohydrate and fibre and folic acid and molybdenum.  The pod of the Lima Bean is flat, oblong and slightly curved.  Within the pod are two to four flat kidney shaped seeds that we call Lima Beans. Butter beans are large creamy coloured beans which are a good source of potassium.  Butter beans are the common name for the seeds of the butter bean plant.  As well as being called Lima Beans they are known as Sugar Beans.  They are low in fat and sugar.

Rich In Vitamins – Butter Beans Nutrition

Butter beans nutrition shows clearly in that half a cup of canned butter beans has twenty five percent of the daily value for thiamine.  It also contains ten percent of Vitamin C, and Vitamin B1.  It is a good source of protein.  One cup serving of butter beans contains about 14g of protein.  Butter beans are a healthy alternative choice of protein to meat.

Good Source Of Minerals – Butter Beans Nutrition

Half a cup of canned butter beans contains fifteen percent of the daily value of magnesium and ten percent of zinc.  Some Iron, Calcium and Potassium are also contained in butter beans.  Butter beans nutrition also shows they also contain phosphorus, maganese and copper.  Butter beans are a Low Glycemic Food.  Eating foods like butter beans that have a low glycemic effect can help improve the blood sugar levels for people with diabetes.  They may also help control hunger for people who want to lose weight.

Fibre Fuel – Butter Beans Nutrition

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate your body cannot digest.  Butter beans nutrition shows the fibre in butter beans can help clear constipation and diarrhea.  It can help keep hunger pangs at bay and lower blood cholesterol levels.    The major health benefit of butter beans is that their rich source of cholesterol-lowering fibre.  So as well as being fantastic for diabetics they are good for people with hypoglycaemia and insulin resistance.

Rich in Iron – Butter Beans Nutrition

Butter beans nutrition is clearly seen in that butter beans contain iron which is needed for cell growth and makes up part of the enzymes and proteins responsible for oxygen transport in the body.  Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency in the world, so a cup of butter beans popped into a tasty stew or casserole would boost your iron intake. This will then boost your energy. The butter beans make a tasty side dish and are a wonderful, healthy side-dish to any meal.  They are also packed with the mineral Molybdenum which is great for people with a sulphite sensitivity.

Good For The Heart – Butter Beans Nutrition

Butter beans nutrition shows that butter beans are great for the heart as they contain many antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin B6 and magnesium which lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid.  Elevated blood levels of homocysteine are a strong risk for heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease and are found in patients with heart disease.  Beans also protect against cancer.  So buy some butter beans, dried or canned.  Inspect them and rinse and soak them and then enjoy these delicious, nutritious beans.

Butter Beans Nutrition

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Butter Beans Nutrition