Chestnut Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

I will explore Chestnut Nutrition in the article below and detail its many health benefits of this delicious nut.

About Chestnuts – Chestnut Nutrition

Some interesting chestnut nutrition facts are that chestnuts are packed with vitamins and minerals.  They belong to the beech family and are native to the hilly forest of North America.  They belong to the castenea tree which is a very large deciduous tree.  Each nut has a smooth glossy dark-brown colour outer shell and a starchy white sweet kernel.  When buying chestnuts, buy big sized fresh nuts and keep them in the refrigerator.

Packed With Vitamins And Minerals – Chestnut Nutrition

Chestnut Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Chestnut Nutrition

Chestnuts are low in calories and some health benefits include that they are packed with vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients that boost your immune.  Chestnuts are mainly made of starch whereas other nuts are high in protein, fat and some chestnut nutrition information shows that they are similar to sweet corn, potatoes and other starch foods.  They are still good sources of minerals, protein and vitamins.  So get some chestnuts today and enjoy!

Rich In Vitamin C – Chestnut Nutrition

Chestnuts are different from most nuts and seeds as they are packed with Vitamin C.  100g of nuts provide 43 mg of vitamin C.  Some chestnut nutrition facts reveal that chestnuts are bursting with vitamin C and it is essential for blood vessels, bones and teeth.  This strong anti-oxidant offers protection from free radicals that are damaging.

Good Source of Fibre – Chestnut Nutrition

Chestnuts are a great source of dietary fibre which can help lower blood cholesterol levels by limiting cholesterol absorption in the intestines.  Like leafy-green vegetables, chestnuts are rich in folates.  Some chestnut nutrition facts include that folic acid is needed for the formation of red blood cells.  Eating plenty of food rich in folates can help prevent neural tube defects in the fetus.   They are a rich source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid and palmitoleic acids.  Having monounsaturated fats in the diet can help increase good cholesterol levels within the blood.  This can help prevent strokes.

Rich In B-Vitamins And Minerals – Chestnut Nutrition

Chestnuts are rich in the B-complex groups of vitamins.  100g of nuts provide 100 percent of thiamine, 12 percent of riboflavin, vitamin B6 and 20 percent of pyridoxine.  They are packed with minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc as well as providing a good amount of potassium.  Chestnut nutrition reveals that potassium helps lower heart rate and blood pressure.  Phosphorus and magnesium are important components of bone metabolism.  Iron helps prevent microcytic-anemia.  Get some chestnuts today and enjoy these wonderful nuts!

Gluten Free – Chestnut Nutrition

Chesnuts are gluten free and they are good for gluten-free food.  Some chestnut nutrition facts show that chinese chestnuts are a good source of vitamin A.  So get some chestnuts today and enjoy this healthy nut.  Chestnut flour is used in many Tuscany recipes such as polenta, sweet breads, biscuits, soups, ice-cream and cakes. They are also used to make chestnut butter-cream. You can enjoy them raw, boiled or roasted.  These sweet nuts are very tasty and full of flavour.  Enjoy!

Chestnut Nutrition

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Chestnut Nutrition