Coconut Nutrition Facts

What is the nutritional value of coconuts? You may wonder about these delicious fruits.  The following looks at coconut nutrition. Coconut nutrition facts below.

Coconut Nutrition Facts #1.Member Of Palm Family.

Coconut Nutrition Facts

Coconut Nutrition Facts

The brown hairy, egg-shaped coconut sold in the grocery store is actually the seed of the fruit of the coconut palm tree (Cocos nucifera).  It is a member of the palm family.  Found throughout the tropic and subtropic area, the coconut is known for its great versatility and coconut nutrition.  The coconuts grow amongst the leaves in clusters of ten to twenty or more, they have a pale green, thick, fibrous outer husk and a dark brown hard inner shell.  They grow to about 12 inches in length when fully nature.  They contain a large amount of ‘water’, when immature they are known as tender-nuts or jelly-nuts and may be harvested for drinking.  The coconut nutrition is seen in that they contain significant amounts of fat, but unlike other nuts, which contain mostly long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, coconuts provide fat that is almost all in the form of health-promoting medium chain saturated fats.

Coconut Nutrition Facts #2. Good Source Of Minerals.

Coconut nutrition is evident in that nearly every part of the coconut is consumable in some capacity.  The meat, juice and milk and oil are the part of many diets and healing practices around the world.  Coconut nutrition is shown in the high fibre content and the many vitamins and minerals it contains.  The coconut nutrition benefits are extremely high and therefore the coconut is often called ‘the tree of life’.

The coconut nutrition can be seen in the fresh, mature coconut meat which contains 50 percent water and 35 percent coconut oil, 10 percent carbohydrates and a small percent of protein.  Coconut nutrition is clearly high in nutmeat, as it provides good sources of manganese, molybdenum and copper.  Coconut nutrition in the nutmeat also boasts a good source of selenium and zinc.

Coconut Nutrition Facts #3. Contains Fatty Acids – Lauric Acid.

Coconut nutrition is highlighted in the fact that 50 percent of the fatty acids provided by coconut is in the form of saturated fat called lauric acid, a health-promoting fat which is found in human breast milk.  In the body, lauric acid is an anti-viral, antibacterial and antiprotozoal monoglyceride that destroys a wide variety of disease-causing organisms.  The coconut nutrition is seen as the anti-viral properties of the medium chain fatty acids seen in coconut have been found to be so potent it eliminates many viruses.

Coconut Nutrition Facts #4. Coconut Milk / Coconut Water.

The coconut nutrition of the milky liquid inside the coconut, called coconut water, is astringent and slightly acidic when fresh but soon loses its astringency.  The coconut nutrition of coconut oil is shown in its use in skin medicines and externally the oil can make shampoo that cleanses the scalp very effectively.  It is also high in omega 6 fatty acids. So enjoy the benefits of coconut nutrition today by purchasing some coconut milk and make tasty curries and puddings.  See the benefits beyond mere coconut nutrition. Enjoy!

Coconut nutrition

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Coconut nutrition