Popcorn Nutrition Facts And Information

I will explore in the article below popcorn nutrition facts and its many health benefits.  This wonderful corn is high in fibre and is good for you.

Popcorn Nutrition Facts – What Is Popcorn?

Just like it sounds, popcorn is made from corn, or maize, which is the same stuff that you eat when you eat corn on the cob or sweetcorn.  When these kernals are dried, they can be heated to make them pop and their centres explode outwards, which is what gives popcorn.  Some popcorn nutrition facts are that these kernals are highly nutritious and full of fibre.

Popcorn Nutrition Facts – How Nutritional Is Popcorn?

Popcorn Nutrition Facts And Information

Popcorn Nutrition Facts And Information

Some popcorn nutrition facts are that the corn kernels from which popcorn is made are naturally high in fibre which is good for help the digestive system to function.  The kernels are also low in fat and contain no sugar which means that overall they have very little calorie value.  There is no sodium in corn kernels.  Therefore, you need not worry about popcorn’s salt content.  This means that overall popcorn should be considered as a healthy snack.  The trap which many people fall into is that they then forget all the things which are added to the popcorn in preparation which can really alter this.  So get some healthy popcorn today and enjoy!

Popcorn Nutrition Facts – Low-Fat Popcorn

Further popcorn nutrition facts are if you buy pre-prepared popcorn in a bag from the supermarket then the added butter and salt make it a surprisingly unhealthy snack.  In fact unless you opt for the low-fat versions which are available then it is possible that up to 60 percent of the calories in the bag will come from fat, which is less healthy.  So make some healthy popcorn today and enjoy the wonderful vitamin and mineral rich corn!

Popcorn Nutrition Facts – How To Make Healthier Popcorn

Some great popcorn nutrition facts are popcorn is packed with antioxidants.  If you consider making popcorn as a healthy snack as well as something which tastes great then you need to look for on any popcorn machine that you are considering buying is how the corn is popped.  Some popcorn makers use oil to pop the corn and this can give popcorn machine the popcorn is higher in calories.  If you think that dry popcorn is not for you then there are still some toppings which you can add to make it go down a little easier and it won’t add too much fat or sugar.  Most popcorn machines have a small tray somewhere which lets you melt butter.  Use a low-fat spread instead and this will have the same effect as butter in softening the popcorn.  You could also try drizzling a very small amount of honey over the popped corn.

When popcorn is old it dries out.  Storage can affect the kernals because the kernals can dry out

Popcorn Nutrition Facts – Packed With Antioxidants

It is a wonderful fact that popcorn contains antioxidants.  More popcorn nutrition facts are it also contains vitamin A and Vitamin K.  So make some popcorn today and enjoy!

Popcorn Nutrition Facts – Loaded With B-Complex Vitamins

Popcorn is a wholegrain because it contains all three parts of the grain –the bran, the endosperm and germ.  Three cups of popped popcorn count as one serving of wholegrain.  More popcorn nutrition facts are that these servings of popcorn contain B-complex vitamins such as B1, riboflavin or B2, B6 and niacin.  It is also rich in folic acid.

Popcorn Nutrition Facts – Rich In Minerals

Popcorn nutrition facts show that popcorn also contains trace amounts of important minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and potassium.  Depending on how you cook popcorn, sodium may be present too.  So make some popcorn today and glow with good health!

Popcorn Nutrition Facts

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Popcorn Nutrition Facts