The Importance Of Setting A Very Clear Outcome In Everything That You Do

It is quite surprising how many people don’t have a clear awareness of what they want in most things that they do. Folks are often not bothered and will say just get them whatever, they don’t really mind. But then when you arrive back from say the local sandwich shop then all of a sudden they quickly have an opinion about what they wanted – and guess what? – it isn’t what you have just chosen and bought for them.   It’s also amazing how many people seem to know precisely what they do not want and they always seem to shine in just that. Though when you have a precise and clear set of outcomes then you find that every thought and action reinforces the very outcomes and you will find it is easier to achieve them.

Without a very clear set of outcomes your thoughts as well as your actions will be much more random, so you then have to spend wasted time correcting the actions that took you in the wrong direction.

Commonly folks have a crystal clear idea of what they definitely don’t want when something goes wrong for them. As a result of this they will often leap from one bad decision to the next, never really settling on a specific course of direction.

The majority of people may think that they have set a clear outcome in the form of a goal however the way that they phrase the goal is such that it is more of a dream because it is not defined in a way that the brain understands and as a result it is useless.

A clearly formed outcome will help you move in the direction of your goal and it will help you take action in the quest of achieving your goal. A well-formed outcome will assist you in making sure that you always move forwards in whatever you do. The human being is a goal orientated animal that takes action in the pursuit of goals in everything that we do no matter how large or small they may be.

It is important to set a very clear outcome in everything that you do before you start to do it. For example before you write a blog post you should ask yourself what is the purpose of this post and what outcome am I trying to achieve? Similarly for any other task that you do in your life such as doing a speech, seminar, a training session, video presentation, an email etcetera it is important to consider the purpose and outcome before you start it.

Once you have defined the purpose and it will make the task directed, clear and specific and you will know exactly what you are going to do. At this point your subconscious mind’s resources will kick in and your then rise to the challenge of the task with an energy and enthusiasm that will be apparent in whatever you are doing.  Once you have decided on the purpose and outcome of the task that you are going to perform it is then a good time to take some time out. During this time you will find that your subconscious mind will start to work on the process of organising your thoughts and how you will complete the task that you will be undertaking. By doing this you will utilize the biggest and most powerful part of your brain. Think of this as being like your own super computer in your head that only really starts to work once your conscious part of the brain has spent some time considering the various possibilities in the ways the desired outcome of the task can be performed.  Once time has passed you will find that you will perform the task a lot better.

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