Brown Rice Nutrition Facts And Information – What You Should Know About Brown Rice

I will explore Brown Rice Nutrition in the article below and detail the many health benefits that it offers.

About Brown Rice – Brown Rice Nutrition

Brown rice nutrition is shown in the fact that brown rice, also known as hulled rice, is a whole, natural grain.  It has a mild nutty flavour and is far more tasty and nutritious that white rice.  The process that makes brown rice removes only the outermost layer which is the hull of the rice kernel.  This is the least damaging to its nutrition value.  Brown rice is much healthier than white rice as white rice has lost most of the B vitamins some of the fibre and iron due to the milling and polishing process.

Rich In Vitamins And Minerals – Brown Rice Nutrition

Brown Rice Nutrition Facts And Information - What You Should Know About Brown Rice

Brown Rice Nutrition

Brown rice nutrition shows that just one cup of brown rice provides a high amount of manganese, selenium, magnesium and tryptophan.  Brown rice is one of the worlds healthiest foods.  It only has the outmost layer, the hull, removed to produce brown rice.  Brown rice has not been further milled to have the bran and most of the germ layer removed so it is full of nutrients.  The trace mineral manganese helps produce energy from protein and carbohydrates and helps towards a healthy nervous system.  Manganese is a critical component of the important antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase. This provides protection against free radicals.

Can Help With Weight Loss – Brown Rice Nutrition

Brown rice nutrition shows that women who ate brown rice which was associated with high fibre wholegrain foods tended to weigh less than those who ate less of these fibre rich foods.  Brown rice nutrition is loaded with fibre and has the trace mineral selenium which has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer.  Selenium helps with thyroid hormone metabolism, immune function and antioxidant defence systems.  It has been shown to help prevent cancer as well as inducing DNA repair of cells.  Selenium helps with many proteins including glutathione peroxidise which is great for protecting against cancer. Selenium helps fight heart disease and helps with symptoms of asthma and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis.  The fibre is great for preventing constipation.

Brown Rice Can Lower Your Cholesterol – Brown Rice Nutrition

Brown rice nutrition clearly shows a healthy fact that the oil in brown rice can lower your cholesterol.  Rice bran oil can also help cardiovascular health.  So get some brown rice today and enjoy the health benefits for yourself.  It is well known that brown rice nutrition clearly shows health benefits for postmenopausal women with high blood pressure or high cholesterol.  It can also help slow the progression of atherosclerosis which is the build up of plaque that can narrow the vessels through which blood flows.

 Contains Phytonutrients With Health Benefits – Brown Rice Nutrition

Brown rice nutrition shows that brown rice has incredible antioxidant powers and contains many phytonutrients like phenolics which work in many ways to prevent disease.  They contain compounds like quercetin, curcumin, ellagic acid and catechins.  Different plant foods have different phytochemicals which perform different functions.  Wholegrains are a healthy food to eat as they can fight diseases.  Brown rice nutrition shows that brown rice is packed with phytonutrients, one type being plant lignans which are converted by friendly flora in our intestines into mammalian lignans which protect against breast cancers and heart disease.  Women who ate wholegrains have higher blood levels of this protective lignan.

Protect Against Diabetes – Brown Rice Nutrition

Brown rice nutrition shows that by eating some brown rice you can protect yourself against diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Brown rice and many other wholegrains are a good source of magnesium which is a mineral that acts as a co factors for many enzymes which help with glucose and insulin secretion.  So buy some brown rice today and enjoy!

Brown Rice Nutrition

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Brown Rice Nutrition