Facts About Gherkins – Surprising Nutrition Information About Gherkins

The following article explores some health facts about Gherkin and its nutritional benefits.

Facts about Gherkins #1 – What are Gherkins?

Facts about gherkins are that gherkins are vegetables similar to cucumbers, both in shape and nutritional value.  The basic reason why gherkins are called wallys may be because they have a similar shape.  Wallys is London slang, Londoners have always called them wallys.  These tasty pickles are healthy so go and buy some today and enjoy!

Facts about Gherkins #2 – Grow Your Own Gherkins

You can grow your own Gherkins.  More facts about gherkins are that these tasty green gherkins like a sunny place and will grow best in sunny spots.  Gherkin seeds are widely available and you can start them off indoors then pierce them out in shallow pots where they have developed four leaves on them.  Like cucumbers, you must not overwater them.

Facts about Gherkins #3 – The Gherkin Is A Pickle

Facts about gherkins are that a gherkin is not only a pickle of smaller size, but also a particular species of cucumber the West Indian or Burr cucumber, which produces a somewhat smaller fruit that the garden cucumber.  A gherkin is a small cucumber pickled whole.  Gherkins were believed to have been the first ever pickle and were enjoyed 4500 years ago in Mesopotamia.  Cleopatra was a fan of pickles.

Facts about Gherkins #4 – Where to Gherkins come from?

More facts about gherkins are that gherkins vegetables originated from West Africa, and then were introduced in West Indies by the Portugese before reaching Europe.  They have been historically called horned cucumbers, crumplings, and guerkins.

Facts about Gherkins #5 – Nutritional Value Of Gherkins

Facts About Gherkins - Surprising Nutrition Information About Gherkins

Facts About Gherkins

Facts about gherkins show that the gherkin is low in fat and lets you control your weight, which lowers your risk of health concerns like heart disease and cancer.  It can also increase your intake of important nutrients like vitamin A, folate, calcium and iron.  One large gherkin contains plenty of potassium, which helps keep a blood pressure level.  Potassium is also needed for the contraction of your muscles and bones and helps digestion as well.  A deficiency could cause an irregular heartbeat, muscle problems and fatigue as well as stomach issues.  Gherkins have plenty of vitamin A and Beta-carotene in which will support a healthy immunity.  Gherkins contain good source of Vitamin K which is important as it helps your blood clot, will increase bone density and can treat liver disease.  Therefore, the gherkin is not only delicious but highly nutritious too.

Facts about Gherkins #6 – Add Gherkins To Your Diet

So by adding gherkins to your diet can have many health benefits. It is important to eat them in moderation as they are high in sodium.  You can find sweet gherkins at the supermarket as well.  Gherkins are mostly served cold, as cooked gherkins lose their intense flavour rapidly.  Pickled gherkins are served with other foods.  Further facts about gherkins are that a good gherkin has lobed leaves with toothed edges, small flowers and prickly fruits about five centimetres, on crooked stalks.  Gherkins are usually pickled when 4 to 8 centimetres in length in jars or cans with vinegar, often flavoured with herbs, usually dill.  Hence; dill pickle or ‘brine’.  Gherkins are low in fat so eating them will help you to control your weight, which will reduce your risk of health concerns.  One large sweet gherkin pickle contains 32 calories and less than 1 g of fat.  So get a jar of gherkins today and enjoy!

Facts about gherkins

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Facts about gherkins