Health Benefits of Almonds – 10 Things You Need To Know About Almonds

I shall explore some health benefits of almonds.  This incredible, healthy nut which tastes delicious.  Almonds are actually stone fruits related to cherries, plums and peaches.  I detail below the health benefits of almonds.

Health Benefits of Almonds #1 – Reduce Heart Attack Risk.

Those who consume nuts five times a week have about a 50 percent reduction in heart attack risk according to the Loma Linda School of Public Health.

Health Benefits of Almonds #2 – Lower Bad Cholesterol.

Another health benefit of almonds is that when they are added to the diet they have a favourable effect on blood cholesterol levels.  This is according to a clinical study by Dr Gene Spiller, Director of the Health Research and Studies Centre, Inc.

Health Benefits of Almonds #3 – Protect Artery Walls From Damage.

It was found that the flavonoids in almond skins work in synergy with Vitamin E.  The health benefits of almonds are shown as it reduces the risk of heart disease according to the research at TuftsUniversity.

Health Benefits of Almonds #4 – Almonds help build strong bones and teeth.

The health benefits of almonds is shown here as the phosphorus in almonds helps make this possible.

Health Benefits of Almonds #5 – Provide Healthy Fats And Aid In Weight Loss.

Although nuts are high in fat, frequent nut eaters tend to be thinner on average than those who almost never consume nuts according to the data from the Nurses’ Health Study.

Health Benefits of Almonds #6 – Almonds Provide Good Grain Function.

The health benefits of almonds are shown in that they contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, nutrients that boost brain activity and may also reduce the risk of Alzheimers disease.

Health Benefits of Almonds #7 – Almonds Nourish The Nervous System.

The health benefits of almonds according to Ayurveda, are that they help increase high intellectual levels and longevity.

Health Benefits of Almonds #8 – Almonds Can Alkalize The Body.

The health benefits of almonds are that they are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming.  When your body is not alkaline enough, you risk osteoporosis, poor immune function, weight gain and low energy.

Health Benefits of Almonds #9 – Improve Your Complexion And Lower The Risk Of Cancer.

Almonds contain polyphenols in their skin consisting of a combination of flavonols, analogous to certain fruits and vegetables.  A preliminary trial showed that using them in the daily diet might lower several factors associate with heart disease, including cholesterol and blood lipids.  The health benefits of almonds are that they are a rich source of vitamin E, protein, vitamins, essential minerals and essential amino acids and also B vitamins and dietary fibre.  They are rich in monounsaturated fat, one of the two fats that may lower LDL cholesterol.  Typical of nuts and seeds almonds also contain phytosterols associated with cholesterol-lowering properties.

Health Benefits of Almonds #10 – Rich In Omega 6 And Omega 9 Oil.

Almonds are a rich source of oil, with values ranging between 36 and 60 percent of kernel dry mass.  Almonds contain oleic acid which is an omega 9 fatty acid.  Some is linoleic acid an omega 6 essential fatty acid.  Sweet almond oil is obtained from the dried kernel of sweet almonds.

So get some almond nuts and enjoy today and get the health benefits of almonds!

Health Benefits Of Almonds

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Health Benefits Of Almonds