The Power of Intention – Jim Carrey – Video

 The Power of Intention

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 The Power of Intention – Jim Carrey – Video Transcribe

Its our intent. Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it.

Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.

So I started thinking about my life and I started thinking about this conference and what we’re about, and I looked back and I thought – well I was two people. My whole life I was in the living room entertaining people being a monkey. Doing my thing for the company, and trying to relive my mother who was suffering.  She had rheumatoid arthritis and phlebitis and everything, everything under the sun was nagging at her, and she was depressed, and I wanted her to be free, and I wanted her to realize that her life was worth something because she gave birth to someone who’s worth something. And then I would go into my room and I would sit with a legal pad. I was a little kid. I would sit there and try to figure out what it meant. What it was all about?  Why are we here? What is this? And one day I read something from Buddha that said that all spirituality is about relieving suffering. And I suddenly realized that’s what I’m doing in the other room, and I’m aligned. You know my purpose is aligned with this. So I felt incredibly lucky. I lose sight of that overtime. I get caught up in different concerns and ego concerns. But I’m so lucky to be a part of this community and to do something that is of value, and I really cherish that. And we are all one thing it really is true. Can I speak to that the person in the last row in the very last seat against the wall? Is there someone back there that can say hello? What’s your name. Andrea are you aware that, do you have the distinct palpable feeling that your intention created this evening as well as Melissa’s? Do you understand that all of this, this entire event is happening inside you?  well just try to feel it for a second, because it is trip man. Some people go to the Super Bowl. I am the Super Bowl man. I swear my friends are all going to see that play that was great? I am like, yeah. But the energy coming out of me right now man is unbelievable. I am just sitting there. I’m the Stadium. I am the vendors outside. I’m the crack dealer on the corner. I’m everything and there’s no end to it, and it’s so much fun. It’s so much fun. So I hope you can feel that, and I hope you understand you are one of the creators of this evening. That your intentions and your desires created this evening as well, and then I hope you are able to ask yourself why did I get such a crappy seat? And be okay with it.  I mean you’re in the last row, in the last seat and yet you created this. That’s got to be a really selfless thing to do.

The Power of Intention