Turnips Nutrition Facts – 6 Things You Need To Know

I will explore turnips nutrition in the article below and their many health benefits of this vegetable.

About Turnips – Turnips Nutrition

Turnips nutrition facts show that turnips are a tasty, nutritious root vegetable.  Its bulbous root is rich in vitamins and minerals.  It is a vegetable whose roots have been cultivated during greek and roman periods.  The greens are even more nutritious than the bulbous root, richer in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.  Small young turnips are called baby turnips and they are sweeter, delicate and eaten raw in salads.  As they mature in age, their texture becomes woody and firm.  Turnips are also called rutabagas and are roots that belong to the same plant family as kale and broccoli.  The family of cruciferous vegetables.

Turnips And Their Health Benefits – Turnips Nutrition

Turnips Nutrition Facts - 6 Things You Need To Know

Turnips Nutrition Facts – 6 Things You Need To Know

Turnips are tasty and they are packed with minerals and vitamins as well as antioxidants and dietary fibre.  They are a low calorie root vegetable and contain only 28 calories.  Fresh roots are packed with vitamin C and they provide about 35% of the daily amount of vitamin C which is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant required for the synthesis of collagen.  More turnips nutrition information shows that they can help boost immunity and helps the body scavenge harmful free radicals and can help against inflammation.

Loaded With Lutein – Turnips Nutrition

Turnip greens are delicious and this wonderful vegetable holds many nutrients in the roots and the greens are rich in lutein, a carotenoid that helps prevent diseases such as macular degeneration and cateracts.  Some turnips nutrition information reveals that they are rich in lutein, and this can help inhibit some forms of cancer as well as helping with osteoarthritis and prevent clogged arteries.  Turnips greens are high in vitamin A and carotenoid, xanthin.  In addition, the leafy tops reveal turnips nutrition boasts a superb source of vitamin K.

Packed With B Vitamins – Turnips Nutrition

The top greens of the turnips are bursting with B Vitamins and this some exciting turnips nutrition facts include that turnips are rich in a fantastic amount of vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid and thiamine as well as folates.  So get some turnips today and enjoy the many health benefits for yourself.

Great Source Of Minerals – Turnips Nutrition

Turnips fresh greens are loaded with minerals such as copper, calcium, iron and manganese.  The turnip boosts your intake of potassium and magnesium which are important to muscle function.  More turnips nutrition facts show that they are rich in zinc and phosphorus, it is clear to see the benefits of turnips nutrition.  Young turnips are great in salads, favoured for their sweet taste, complimenting beets, carrots, cabbage and parsnips.  They are delicious in stews and soups and can be pickled as turnip cubes like radish and chilli-peppers.

Packed With Carbohydrates – Turnips Nutrition

The tasty turnip is bursting with carbohydrates.  It is the most abundant nutrient in turnips.  So every cup of raw turnip contains about 8.5 grams of carbohydrates.  This is a mixture of sugar, starch and dietary fibre which give you the energy your body needs to function daily.  More turnips nutrition information includes that the fibre promotes digestive and cardiovascular health.  So buy some turnips today and enjoy this healthy vegetable!

Turnips Nutrition

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Turnips Nutrition